Upcoming courses: docker, kubernetes, terraform, github actions
- 1 courses
Hello there,
I will be working in some courses that will be available here through GitHub Sponsors, but I wanted to explain what you will get by sponsoring me and also how it works on a high level, by becoming a sponsor you will get lifetime access to the courses, these courses will be highly practical with explanations and enough theory to understand the topic at hand, everything else will be open source (code examples, etc), by supporting me you will receive more content in return 😄
Upcoming courses:
- Docker: Understand docker from scratch.
- Kubernetes: Deploy your apps and manage clusters, autoscale your apps and best practices.
- Terraform: Code your infrastructure and automate it through GitHub and Atlantis.
- GitHub Actions: Configure your pipelines to build, test and deploy your applications in Kubernetes.
- Observability: Learn how to deploy and use Prometheus and Grafana to observe and monitor your apps, create dashboards and also meaningful alerts.
I expect to officially launch the Docker course in about a month from now, the other courses might start after that, also by joining you will receive an invite to Discord/Slack (to be defined) so you can connect with me and ask me any question that you might have.
Thank you 💥
But wait… how does it work?
I mentioned everything was going to be open-source even this blog or learning platform, wouldn’t we be able to just read the articles since they are plaintext in the repository? tr, and that would be a fair question, introducing “Cloak”, the sponsored content will be in fact in the repository readable by anyone, but encrypted and only rendered to those who sign in via GitHub (because I need to know your username) and also make sure you are in fact a sponsor 🥲.
With just a few calls to this module we can safely encrypt and decrypt the content of a given page, for example this is what it looks like:
title: "Master Docker from scratch (coming soon...)",
author: "Gabriel Garrido",
description: "This will be a short course to master docker on linux, it will consist of 3 parts and the first
sponsored content posted here (video and text)",
tags: ~w(docker courses),
published: true,
image: "docker-logo.svg",
sponsored: true,
video: "AQpBRVMuR0NNLlYxTJxSRfOfhl7jf3JuF/iCr59Ft4wVtu0td5HG//On8X1qfAwkUvdCST8aXPtgFedBaVfkKIATz1TgZNoe9R17SdiB066J",
encrypted_content: "AQpBRVMuR0NNLlYxJJUZ6S+zhjv81zDHqUMSo3g5JkVGsTchQlKfB7fZfxg//hMIyX/XsUCygsFRr+MFlpw0vne8FxO2Si6jshOw8lKDMNvoXioHNmgQeozlahuIce0+D0NCh5vFFsbJIi//TTpac1coUdiEbReH94yDQ07V4O848C5J7F5JjZslhGekKVjq0eT3T7PmIibJfii391tqgYUBHIg/jpY2LifxzgrHW5jaFRzrsIZNuCiBF1M4lUjSORF01aPgT68s1vHcG/+r0LE8EsCsHRT9VDvKl0F6ntgwoTUY/OSqONCbkzE2wfWsy5jGGV3YN8jCkMYIWi7FylgpCrMbb99DfNIKRA37GpvoLx08+X8YPbBRHoL1Gs3JGIi91UBAMQ=="
Then we have our vault configured (it is just a Genserver giving us encrypt/decrypt capabilities given a particular key), that will be this particular module:
defmodule Tr.Vault do
@moduledoc """
This module is responsible for interfacing with the vault
use Cloak.Vault, otp_app: :tr
@impl GenServer
def init(config) do
config =
Keyword.put(config, :ciphers,
default: {
tag: "AES.GCM.V1", key: decode_env!("CLOAK_KEY"), iv_length: 12
{:ok, config}
defp decode_env!(var) do
|> System.get_env()
|> Base.decode64!()
Then to keep rate-limits at hand every 5 minutes I’m polling GitHub GraphQL API to fetch the list of sponsors and caching that in the local DB:
defmodule Tr.Sponsors do
@moduledoc """
Basic task to fetch the list of sponsors from GitHub
@app :tr
defp load_app do
defp start_app do
@doc """
def start do
# account for more than a 100 sponsors
sponsors = get_sponsors(100)
Enum.each(get_in(sponsors, ["data", "user", "sponsors", "nodes"]), fn sponsor ->
@doc """
# Example output:
body: %{
"data" => %{
"user" => %{
"sponsors" => %{
"nodes" => [
%{"login" => "nnnnnnn"},
%{"login" => "xxxxxxx"},
"totalCount" => 123
def get_sponsors(limit) do
token = System.get_env("GITHUB_BEARER_TOKEN")
{:ok, body} =
"{ user(login:\"kainlite\") { ... on Sponsorable { sponsors(first: #{limit}) { totalCount
nodes { ... on User { login } ... on Organization { login } } } } } }",
url: "https://api.github.com/graphql",
headers: [authorization: "Bearer #{token}"]
The last step would be to just decrypt and render the content:
<%= cond do %>
<% @post.sponsored && @current_user && Tr.SponsorsCache.sponsor?(@current_user.github_username) -> %>
<br />
allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture; web-share"
<br />
<%= raw(Earmark.as_html!(decrypt(@post.encrypted_content))) %>
At a high level that’s what it looks like, are you interested in learning more about this or the approach taken here? leave a comment 👇
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